Digital Fabrication

This projects explores
ways of physically fabricating
a 3D digital model.


The process consists of three main steps:

1. Exploration

2. Problem Solving

3. Crafting


The idea behind this all was to push my understanding of typography by creating experimental three dimensional models of two dimensional characters that blend into one another.

Problem Solving

Now, how does one even make this?

Now since the digital model is completed, how to do we turn it into a physical model? With access to a laser-cutter, I had decided to use chipboard as my go to material as it was cheap, and had a relatively small thickness (1/16th of an inch). Using Rhino, I decided to splice up the depth of the model by 1/16th’s of an inch to match the thickness of the physical material used. These outlines of the model depth would be each layer of chipboard which then could be cut out for assembly. For structure, 1/8th inch squares were added to these sections as a ‘hole’ through the model, which then would be filled by an accompanying sized wooden dowel to give the physical model support.


Let’s get crafting!

Once all of the sections had been cut out, it was time for assembly. To assemble this all, I had glued in the dowels in one of the second to end pieces (the end pieces had no dowel cutouts as the were the two faces of the model and used to hide the dowels inside. I would then put on the next cut out, glue it, & repeat. Lastly, I glued on the two face pieces, and the model was complete!


Mobile Eyes


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